Love inside


Father, Son, and Spirit,

May serenity abide, 
as your love in me resides.
Please cleanse me, Lord, from all distraction vain, 
from faithless thoughts and willful acts of shame.
Let me know with clarity:
I in you and you in me,
as your living love remains.

As your earthen pot I am, 
to be emptied by your hand:
    Potter, please, empty me of pomp and pride,
    please, empty me of lust for power's prize,
    Empty me of all debris...
to proclaim your present peace,
to proclaim the Lamb who died.

Quiet now my grasping hands.
Relax my eager tongue.
Humbled, let me know your grace, 
adopted as your son.

In every moment now,
    I hear your herald hallow.
In every place I turn,
    I'm blinded by your brilliance.

You are the teller of all times,
    through all time announced.
You are the poetry of poems,
    perfectly pronounced.
Your song saturates with wisdom:
    My soul is quickened and set free
    by the Word and by the Spirit
    pouring from your mouth. 

Be known in me and know in me,
    as you created me to know.

With patient tongue I wait,
    for every word you sing.
With open ear I hear,
    your voice as music rings.

You opened me to overflow in me...
You fill me with the Holy Spirit's peace...

Lord, speak your living name upon my lips,
Pour out your truth in me as song:
your name is one, your way forever one;
for Eden's child to you belongs!

My heart, my soul,
my thoughts and my desire,
my eyes, my ears,
my lips, my teeth and tongue,
my arms and legs, 
my hands and feet, 
my being and my becoming... 
They all belong to you, 
for your praise and for your use. 

Thank you for your grace abiding.
Lord, know me humbled in your hands. 
Show your power in my weakness:
    the Son of God as lowly came,
    perfect in the way of meekness.

Thank you, Loving Father
yes, thank you, Risen Son,
thank you, Holy Spirit,
    who was, now is, and is to come! 
