Victory Belongs to YHWH

Victory Belongs to YHWH

To my beloved Lord, the Messiah, the Holy One, my Redeemer:

You be the boy David,
Clad not in the armor of man’s honor.
Your law be the five stones.
We be the sling in your hand.
Fill us with your word.
Strike Goliath.

One word is sufficient to bring him low.
The severing sword is in your mouth,
Your breath discerns his divisive longings. 
His tongue pours forth poison, 
With venomous lies he stings.
Crush the head of your enemy!

Once his mouth proclaimed blasphemy
    against you and your possession.
Now your mouth proclaims judgment
    against the filth of his arrogance.
You declare, “Let there be light!”
    Darkness does not prevail against it.
The scavenging birds, 
    and the beasts that prowl, 
    these hailing from above and below, 
    these purposed for your glory, 
    they obey your council's holy decree;
    they gather to dine and feast, 
    his lifeless flesh between their teeth.
Where the vultures gather, 
    there the corpse is.
You have spoken;
    by your everlasting life, 
    your mouth has sworn. 

Who will transgress your command?
Who will mock the king?
Who will exalt himself over you?
Who will burn with lust for your beloved, your possession?
Who will torment and afflict your namesake,
    a people chosen and called according to your will?

You possess glory forever!
You possess dominion and authority forever!
You possess the land and your kingdom is established forever!
No darkness in the gates of hell shall ever prevail against your radiant witness!
Every tongue shall exalt your name!
Every knee buckles under the weight of your word! 

Then he took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the brook and put them in his shepherd’s pouch. His sling was in his hand, and he approached the Philistine.
1 Samuel 17:40
