A prayer for his better name

Father, Son, Holy Spirit:

Thank you. Bless you. Praise you!
    Let us adore you.
    Let us know you.
    Let us be found in you.

It's hard to believe that we can change.
    "It is a persistent plague."
It's hard to desire renovation and rebuilding
    when the germ persists.
It's hard to want a new beginning
    when the old way prevails in the remnant.

There is unmerited favor.
There is new mercy.
There is blessing.

Yet, hope is hard while the present age continues
    as it always has.

"How long, O LORD?"

I cannot speak of finality here.
    Yet, finality— finally to be as being should be—
    is what my soul desires.

"Love is patient."

By such grace, "I AM WHAT I AM."

Lord, help me— help us—
    to accept your loving discipline.
Lord, help me— help us—
    to face this age with strength and courage.

Who can discern his ways?

I do not know my right hand from my left.

Forgive us. We know not what we do.

What should be done with eternity today?
What is eternity doing today?
What should be done for eternity today?

Let this day and eternity be married,
    in binding covenant.
Let this day know eternity with peace.

Reconcile the macro to the micro,
    and the micro to the macro.

Let what is mortal
    be fully robed in immortality.
Let heaven and earth be one:
    You are the one; your name is one.

Faith knows and receives the eternal one;
    yet, today as it works,
    its work appears vain—
    insufficient to respond and reach
    the eternity it seeks:
    incomplete to realize today
    what eternity realizes this day.

"This is the day the LORD has made,
    let us rejoice and be glad in him."
"Sufficient for the day is its own trouble;
    it is your Father's good pleasure
    to give you the kingdom.
    Seek first the kingdom of God;
    all else will be added to you."

Please give your eternal Spirit today.
Please reveal and open wide the way
    to your eternal blessing today.

I ask; let us receive.
I knock; let us know the door wide open.
I seek; let us be found in you.

One without blemish has given his blood.
His blood is enough,
    that we should be one—
    as you are one.
His blood is enough,
    to know his love,
    to receive your love,
    to hear your name,
    to wear your name—
    yet, not in vain.

LORD have mercy. Messiah have mercy.
    Let not your great work be in vain.
Bring to completion in us
    the good work you began in us.
Let the great and awesome day,
    the day of Jesus the Messiah,
    draw swiftly near.

Come quickly, LORD.
"The Spirit and the bride say,
    'Come quickly, LORD.'"
Let us drink you without price.
    We are thirsty.
    Give us not vinegar and sour wine,
    as we gave you.

Forsake us not, for you were forsaken—
    that we might be satisfied.

Have mercy;
    delight to be in us
    that we may live.

We need a better name.

Thank you for the name of Jesus,
    by which we must be saved,
    through whom we have access
    to your eternal love.

Thank you for giving him your name,
    for him revealing your name,
    for him continuing to make known your name.

Jesus, as the eternal High Priest,
    thank you for putting YHWH's name on us:

"The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make his face to shine upon you
    and be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up his countenance upon you
    and give you shalom."

    Leviticus 14:43-44

    Luke 11:9

    Acts 4:12
